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Honouring my Body

This year I've embarked on a journey of honouring my body ( learning to love and listen to it) yet not being caught in pushing through, going into "automatic mode", latching onto an old story or becoming a victim... quite interesting.

Movement is key in changing my mood, shaking it up, turning things upside down (I love handstands) to see a different perspective but I also have to be mindful to not continue pushing through and ignoring my body ( I got so good at doing this- but it eventually lead to burnout and frustration).

On days when I wake up feeling tired and sluggish ( I also have more of a tendency to feel sorry for myself, feel victimized) what I’ve started doing is “fun movement“ (only things that bring me JOY) for 10 mins! That’s it! I know that movement is the best ( and often fastest) way to shift my mind so I can be the wife, mom, practitioner and leader I need to be.

On these days, it often involves an inversion (ok, many inversions because I LOVE them!!) jumping (jump lunges, tucks or jump squats), dancing (love me a great dance party) , a walk outside ( sometimes even running up a hill like I am a kid again) and finishing it all with some deep breathing. Getting calm (because when I’ve been moving the adrenaline gets high and I can go into automatic get shit done mode... but I’m ignoring my body) and being exactly where my feet are. Taking care of and listening to my body is a practice and the highest form of self love.

I've started taking a moment to thank my body ( for being able to move!!)and then set an intention for my day. I feel stronger. I am always reminded that I am stronger then I think; both physically and mentally. What else is possible that my mind has deemed impossible to keep me "safe" and small? My body feels heard and my mind is strong again.

I aim to be my best and show up as my best self (knowing that will look different) every single day!!! In order to create amazing things, to make my life a Masterpiece and live an extraordinary life I need my body to be strong and healthy. I have realized that although I have zero control over what happens to me (or shall I say- for me), I do have control over how I show up for it, see my circumstances and my life.

Your body craves and needs movement daily.
- "It’s not what you DO, it’s who you are when you are doing it that matters".. focus on intention rather then expectation and be open to what "movement" make look like for you... why not try asking your body and see what it wants and has to say?
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