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Self-love starts here my friend.

It is that part of you that wants you to stay small.

That voice inside of you, comparing you to others and telling you that it is never enough, that you are not enough.

That voice that tells you that you should throw in the towel, that you should just give up and that you don't deserve more then you have. It also wants you to feel guilty for taking time for yourself, for saying NO and honouring your boundaries and to believe in scarcity and that you are not worthy of all the amazing things that are waiting for you. That voice that is so loud and so real that you listen and believe it.

Mine is very mean was very strong for so many years... she still comes up BUT I am aware and I don't let her run me anymore. Today we I want to share how to become more aware of THE VICTIM and how to create a shift.

Pay attention and make a decision. Choose again... and again.

Pay attention~

Catch yourself in the "poor me pattern" or beating yourself up and lovingly ( this is the tough part) redirect yourself. You may need to change your relationship with your mind ( I definitely did!) and develop mental toughness so that you can rise above the falsities ( that feel so real in the moment) and discover the magic on the other side. Movement is one of the best ways to shake things up and build mental toughness.

Step into your greatness and redefine your story.

In order to become the person you are meant to be you will need to stop the pattern of victimhood (maybe not stop, honestly I feel like it is life long.. but acknowledge) and course correct.

Pay attention when you are feeling sorry for yourself. Awareness is the first step.

Make a Decision ~

State it out loud. Ink it. Speak it. Feel your body tremble in fear, recognize the lies, look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself a different story. You are beautiful, you are strong, you are so worthy and you have unique gifts to share. Your voice matters. YOU matter. Take one step, just one, toward the person you need to become and tell yourself a different story.

Move! Dance, shake things up. Go exercise in nature. Push yourself physically ( get up and move, even if you don't want to) and see how you are so much stronger then you think you are.

Choose again~

Stop beating yourself up and being so hard on yourself and allow yourself to make mistakes. Give yourself a break. Allow yourself to FAIL... and learn... and fall... and get back up.. and fail again- always with having learned something new and moving forward. How would you know how to do this if it's your first time?!! Be a beginner and have a teachable spirit.

Finding joy in the journey (rather then validating our worth to our results and numbers) starts here. You are so worth it. Be creative and make it your duty and your mission to find and create more JOY in your journey.

What lights you up? What feeds your soul? Schedule these in your week. Connect to more JOY in your life and become more of an observer in your life.


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